This collection includes 5 pieces full of architectural drawings describing the project for a country club inside a corporate building. Due to popularity on pinterest, the 4th pieces is available as NFT or Non Fungible Token on the Ethereum Blockchain for collectors, with access to full resolution image. NFT includes: TIFF file: DIN A1 @ 300 ppp, 130 Mb, 7016 x 9934 px, and JPG file: 8.97 Mb, 3508 x 4967 px. Let me know in case you would like me to mint other pieces 🙂
Etiqueta: NYC
Una cúpula interactiva para NYC
Four Freedoms Park como ventana al resto del planeta. Live 3D Section from Pablo Humanes on Vimeo. The view of the section is controlled by my phone’s acceloremeter through OSC in a live 3D rendered environment with TouchDesigner. ¿Cómo construimos esto? Un basamento de hormigón previo a una estructura triangulada de acero que sostendrá una… Seguir leyendo Una cúpula interactiva para NYC